And ... You Guessed It .. More Pics !
OK so i do have a story ! last week Austin pulled a piece of wallpaper in the hallway - and it turned into the mess that you will see below . Because the hallway is close to the dining room we decided to do that too - not thinking that less than a week after we started the mess we had people coming to the house for a house warming party - needless to say we did not get it finished before the party which was last night ( i will post info and pics in hopefull tomorrow nights blog :-)) but we did get the mess cleaned ! This pic was of tim after he finished sanding !This is the dining room Friday night !
This is how the mess started - as you see here we have Austin working hard !! He is having a ball! - Hopefully he doesnt try this at anyone elses house though that doesnt want to renovate - we did have that talk !
Again not a good pic but aussie hard at work !
And to end the pictures for now - hes grown up so fast that hes driving a car - Aussie and the big red car . This car was my brothers when he was Austins age its a pedal car that is at my grandmothers , st first he didnt like it but as you see now its growing on him ...
I just have one more thing for the blog ...... I mentioned it in the comments in Sues blog ,,, Austin is joining Petits Copains preschool in Nov when he turns 3 and I am the sec on the exec board of directors . We are having a bake sale at the Wedgeport Fire Dept this Sat the 30th from 2-4 - come one come all !!! I am also selling left over cookbooks from last year for those of you who like to cook - of like to collect cook books or knows someone who does $11.00 - let me know if anyone wants one !! Send me an email msaulnier@ ........ the place I work !!! No I am not giving my email on a public blog !!! But those of you who know me or know someone who does can find out the last part !!! - thanks !!
Love the pics of Aussie at work-- not tim's shining moment !!! That looks like the Wiggles big red car---- Just when I was feeling so good for not buying a cookbook for six dollars, how can I resist a cookbook for Aussie's benefit--- two of my favourite things--- and now the neverending fundraising begins !!!!! I can see where you're headed Mandy-- years of presiding over home and school associations, school fairs, bake sales------ but more power to you-- someone has to do it, and it benefits the kids---- just don't take on more than you can comfortably handle--- and yes, I have to buy that cookbook--- school already---- it's too soon !!!!!!! see how fast the time goes, and once they start school, the years really fly by---- Thanks for the pics, I love that one of him coming down the red tunnel--- almost like into another dimension--see you tomorrow-- love sue
I know I like that pic too . I know its just starting - I cant believe that he will be starting preschool in the November - BUT i cant believe that he will be 3 in November - One good thing is he does have 3 years in preschool before he goes to school - so i can hang onto my baby a little longer :-)
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